When children can't eat

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When children can’t eat, a variety of nutrition and psychosocial concerns result. Pediatric feeding disorders often leave parents and health professionals feeling frustrated and helpless. This presentation provides an overview of the spectrum of pediatric feeding disorders and equips dietitians with practical tools to support these families. Early screening, “red flags” and nuanced variation between picky eating and feeding disorders, including considerations of developmental delays, sensory-based feeding challenges and autism spectrum disorder are discussed. Assessment tools to provide a comprehensive understanding of feeding challenges, counselling skills that build rapport with parents, and guiding principles in implementing responsive feeding interventions are part of the recorded presentation.

Date of presentation: June 2019, DC National Conference


  • Naureen Hunani is a weight-inclusive, pediatric dietitian with over a decade of clinical experience and advanced training on infant & child development, sensory processing disorders and feeding disorders. She currently has a private practice in Montreal where she treats children struggling with a variety of feeding challenges.
  • Grace Wong MSc, RD is a dietitian based in Calgary, Alberta. She has over 15 years of clinical experience focusing in pediatrics, mental health and feeding and eating disorders. She is a certified eating disorder dietitian and approved supervisor recognized by the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals.


  • Video presentation (95 minutes) with the presentation slides (pdf)
  • Audio file (mp3 file)

Cost: $19.95 for members; $24.95 for non-members; $14.95 for students

Last Updated: August 18, 2020

Type: Learning on Demand

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