Strategies to manage pediatric obesity: Assessment and management tools for nutrition, physical activity, sleep and screen time behaviours

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Anna Aylett and Jane Rutherford are team members of the Centre for Healthy Active Living (CHAL) at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario. They describe the program that they offer to children, youth and families to assist with improving overall health and well-being.


Anna presents the perspective of the Registered Dietitian and shares her approach to working with children and their families to encourage healthy eating behaviours. Ellyn Satter’s Division of Responsibility in feeding serves as the foundation for her approach. Anna describes how hunger management is an essential strategy and that this includes the notion of providing food, not depriving, with the added concept of enjoying treat foods without guilt.


Jane is an activity specialist and describes the importance of assisting the child and family to find a balance between physical activity, screen time and sleep. Assessing current practices leads to suggestions for behaviour change to improve sleep hygiene, manage screen time and promote activity.

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Anna Aylett, RD, Pediatric Obesity, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario

Jane Rutherford, Activity Specialist, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario

Duration: 1h 24min

Last Updated: June 6, 2022

Type: Learning on Demand

Pediatric Obesity Aylett Rutherford
Professional Development Record
Registre de developpement professionnel

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