Making Change Stick Starting and sustaining screening programs

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Canadians and health care decision makers are insisting on improved care that is evidence based. Dietitians use evidence in their own interactions with clients but may be thwarted with making change in the broader systems in which they work. They need to recognize and understand how the inter-related concepts of implementation science, change management and quality improvement provide strategies for making lasting change. With the development of easy to use screening tools, training and pathways of care, the identification of malnutrition in primary and acute care has grown. Learn from your colleagues how they have implemented nutrition risk screening and how they have made those changes stick. This session will allow you to identify key steps to initiate and sustain change in your primary, acute care or home care practice. 


Hosted by the DC Clinical Managers Network


Heather Keller PhD RD FDC is the Schlegel Research Chair, Nutrition & Aging, and Professor, Department of Kinesiology at University of Waterloo in Waterloo, ON.

Duration: 1h 07min

Last Updated: May 25, 2022

Type: Learning on Demand

Making change stick
Making change stick
Professional Development Record
Registre de developpement professionnel

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