Dietary Supplements - Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

BUY ITEM | $ 95.00


Author Dr. Theresa Glanville, PhD, PDt

The Dietary Supplements course is an evidence-based, self-learning package for health professionals on use of vitamin/mineral supplements, herbal preparations or common sports supplements - all within the context of healthy eating. Federal regulation of the natural health products industry, quality control of supplements, and legal and ethical considerations in recommending dietary supplements and complementary therapies are also featured course topics.

This lesson includes the following features:

Extensive evidence review and specific practice guidance

Case scenarios to facilitate application of the course content

Pop quizzes throughout and end of course exam

Extensive bibliographies and links to further resources

A personal certificate of successful completion

This lesson focuses on critical lifecycle physiology and habits which confer risk for vitamin/mineral deficiency; appropriate sources of literature to answer pertinent clinical questions; role of supplements in reducing chronic disease risk; use of critical appraisal skills to assess the scientific literature; potential nutrient/nutrient & nutrient/drug interactions; food sources; efficacy and effectiveness of natural vs synthetic vitamin/mineral supplements.

Your purchase entitles you to unlimited access to course materials for 90 days from the date you register. Extensions will not be granted.

Contact for more details on how to purchase this course for more than one person. Discounted rates are available for groups of students and interns.

Course content was updated Spring 2010. This course is expected to take between 6 - 8 hours to complete. The certificate of completion will indicate 5.0 Credit Hours once you have successfully completed the program.

Last Updated: October 13, 2020

Type: Online Courses

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