Solving conflict of interest, consent and privacy challenges

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Being regulated health professionals requires RDs to be honest, competent and put client interests ahead of their own. This session explores real-life common and complex practice scenarios related to conflict of interest, consent and privacy that challenge dietitians to make sound professional decisions. Ethical principles and legal obligations are highlighted. Test your professional judgment and decision-making skills as the speaker untangles what is right given competing factors and influences.

Date of presentation: June 2015, DC National Conference

Speaker: Richard Steinecke, LLB, Senior Partner at Steineke Maciura LeBlanc Barristers + Solicitors in Toronto


  • Video presentation (90 minutes) with the presentation slides (pdf)
  • Audio file (mp3 file)

Cost: Free for members; $24.95 for non-members

Last Updated: May 19, 2022

Type: Learning on Demand

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