Probiotics: Translating scientific knowledge into practice

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The use of probiotics continues to be a hot topic for researchers and consumers alike. Our speakers address probiotics from complementary positions - a review of current, key scientific probiotics research and the use of probiotic containing food products by consumers to meet nutrition and health goals. They will describe what probiotics are, common probiotic containing foods and supplements and what to look for on probiotic product labels. Also discussed are nutrition practice areas in which probiotics can play an effective role. 



Jeremy Burton, PhD is Miriam Burnett Research Chair in Urological Sciences and assistant professor, Department of Surgery/ Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Western University in London, ON.

Natasha Haskey, MSc, RD is currently completing her PhD at University of BC and is a nutrition consultant in Saskatoon, SK.

Length: 51min

The opinions expressed in this presentation are that of the presenter and do not necessarily reflect those of Dietitians of Canada. Further, this presentation should not be reproduced in full or in part without the express written consent of the presenter.  

Les opinions exprimées dans cette présentation sont celles du présentateur ou de la présentatrice et ne reflètent pas nécessairement celles des Diététistes du Canada. Par ailleurs, cette présentation ne devrait pas être reproduite, que ce soit en partie ou dans son intégralité, sans le consentement écrit exprès du présentateur ou de la présentatrice.

Last Updated: December 11, 2019

Type: Learning on Demand

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Probiotics Slides
Professional Development Record
Registre de developpement professionnel

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