The NOW Trial: Nutrigenomics, Overweight/Obesity and Weight Management

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Recent advances in nutrigenomics have allowed us to tailor nutrition advice based on a patient’s unique genetic profile. With overweight and obesity, coupled with other chronic diseases increasing at alarming rates, healthcare professionals are realizing that current food and nutrition practices may not be yielding optimal outcomes. The Nutrigenomics, Overweight/Obesity and Weight Management Trial aims to determine if the provision of nutrition advice based on a patient’s genetic profile results in greater dietary and physical activity changes, and greater improvements to body composition compared to the provision of population-based nutrition recommendations. Background information on the science of nutrigenomics, findings of a recent systematic review on behaviour change and genetics, as well as study design of The NOW Trial are presented in this talk.


Justine Horne, MScFN, RD, PhD(c) is a registered dietitian at the East Elgin Family Health Team.

Length: 38min

The opinions expressed in this presentation are that of the presenter and do not necessarily reflect those of Dietitians of Canada. Further, this presentation should not be reproduced in full or in part without the express written consent of the presenter.  

Les opinions exprimées dans cette présentation sont celles du présentateur ou de la présentatrice et ne reflètent pas nécessairement celles des diététistes du Canada. Par ailleurs, cette présentation ne devrait pas être reproduite, que ce soit en partie ou dans son intégralité, sans le consentement écrit exprès du présentateur ou de la présentatrice.

Last Updated: August 4, 2021

Type: Learning on Demand

Justine Horne MP3 Mono 128 CBR
Professional Development Record
Registre de developpement professionnel

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