Artificial Intelligence - Growing in the Field of Dietetics

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The demand for efficient, digital, and data-driven experiences is causing the widespread adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI)- such that dietitians, like many other professions, are forced to reconsider our role in the future of work. Although dietitians may not be replaced by intelligent machines (in the near future), the increasing demand to perform AI and mobile-supported nutritional interventions means that students and professionals should at least be aware of the technology’s presence. Dietitians can grow alongside AI if they are ready to take the steps to prepare, adapt and future-proof their careers.

AI has already begun to revolutionize research and practice in dietetics, advance personalized nutrition, and improve the integrity of nutritional science. This session will: 

1) introduce essential concepts, 

2) review the current state of AI in nutrition, and 

3) present its opportunities, limitations, and future directions.

This session was pre-recorded for the National DC Conference 2022.

Date of Presentation: June 10, 2022

Speaker: Alyshia Guan, RD, MSc Student


  • Video presentation (45 min)
  • Handout (pdf)
  • Audio file (mp3 file)


$19.95 for DC members

$39.95 for non-DC members 

$9.95 for DC student members

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Last Updated: December 12, 2022

Type: Learning on Demand

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